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Puriclean Water Storage Tank Cleaner 100g Tub

Puriclean Water Storage Tank Cleaner 100g Tub

Regular price £2.99
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Effectively eradicate bacteria, viruses, bio-film, algae and fungi for maximum results simply soak and flush. Perodic use will ensure a clean healthy system for water storage. Puriclean is available in two sizes 100g that cleans tanks up to 90 litres and 400g size that cleans tanks up to 270 litres Puriclean provides a simple and effective method of cleaning and purifying the complete leisure vehicle water system. This is non caustic powder dissolves quickly in water to remove dirt, stains, bacteria and algae. Dissolve the required amount of Puriclean powder in water (a plastic container is ideal). Agitate to dissolve and add to the main tank. Fill the tank with water. pump through to all taps including shower. Close all taps. Leave to soak for 1 to 12 hours, depending on condition of water system. Empty tank by pumping out. Rinse by filling tank with fresh mains water and pump out. Fill with fresh mains water.
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